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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format.
  • Whenever possible, URLs for references and preferably DOI are provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The authors declare their agreement with the Declaration of authorization and originality, available in the Guidelines for authors.
  • All the authors approve the contents of the manuscript that is submitted to the editorial process of Más Poder Local, and therefore agree that their name should appear as the author.
  • The content of the article has not been published and does not appear in another work that is about to be published.
  • The authors agree not to submit the manuscript for consideration by another publication while it is in the process of ruling in Más Poder Local, or later if it is accepted for publication.
  • The authors have not had, and do not have, personal or financial relationships that could introduce prejudices and biases in the development or results of this work.
  • In the acknowledgments section, mention has been made of all those people and institutions that, having granted their permission for such mention, have contributed substantially to the development of the work.
  • The authors undertake to facilitate, when so required by the journal, access to all the data and sources on which the submitted work is based.
  • The authors will actively participate in making all those style or typographic modifications that are necessary for the publication of the work when notified by the editorial team of the journal.
  • Research involving experiments with humans or animals requires approval from a recognized Ethics Committee, in accordance with international research legal standards. Más Poder Local advocates for respect and the right to privacy of participants, who must provide informed consent or participate anonymously. Additionally, any research involving minors that affects their privacy or personal spaces must be authorized by their parents, guardians, or legal representatives.
  • It is certified that none of the institutions in which he develops his scientific and research work have raised objections regarding the publication of the manuscript that is submitted for evaluation.
  • All the data and references to materials already published are duly identified with their respective credit and included in the bibliographic notes and in the citations that stand out as such and, in the cases that require it, have the due authorizations of those who own property rights.
  • The materials are free of copyright and the authors are responsible for any litigation or claim related to intellectual property rights, exonerating Más Poder Local from responsibility.
  • In the event that the work is approved for publication, the publishing entity is authorized for an unlimited period of time to include said text in Más Poder Local and to reproduce, edit, distribute, exhibit and communicate it in the country and abroad. abroad by print, electronic, CD, Internet or any other means known or to be known.
  • When appropriate, the authors will declare the support or public or private financing of the research.
  • Where appropriate, the authors will provide information about the supplementary files, with a description of their content, format and length (supplementary materials and data files).
  • Commitment to incorporate the published article into the university's institutional repository by the author.

Author Guidelines

Submission of manuscripts:

Manuscripts should be submitted using the OJS application available for this purpose on the journal's website https://www.maspoderlocal.com/, by clicking on the "SUBMISSIONS" option in the main menu.

The manuscript should be submitted through two files, one with all the complete information (personal and biographical data of the author/s) and another anonymized, avoiding any reference that could allow the identification of the author/s. The author/s must check that the second file he/she sends preserves the required anonymity by deleting any data that may identify him/her in the file properties. To do this, in the Word file, access "Prepare for sharing", icon "Check for problems", icon "Inspect document", uncheck all boxes except "Document properties and personal information", run the document inspector to detect if any property field includes personal information. In case it is detected, there would be the option "delete all". Bibliographic references to the author's works should be omitted at the initial stage of submission of the manuscript. In case of publication, references to the author(s) may be added to the final document.

Submission of manuscripts presupposes, on the part of the authors, knowledge and acceptance of these instructions.

While the manuscript is in the process of evaluation by the journal Más Poder Local, the authors will not submit it for evaluation to other journals.

Papers must be unpublished in any language. It will be the responsibility of the author/s to inform about the copyright situation. The publication of a work that violates such rights will be the responsibility of the author/s. The author/s must indicate, if applicable, whether the article, research note or bibliographic essay has a direct relationship with previous publications of his/her own - partial repetition, development of the theme or some other aspect, identifying the corresponding bibliographic references. If this is not done, and if the Editorial Board of the MPL subsequently becomes aware of this circumstance, the same Board will adopt the appropriate decisions in accordance with the editorial and legal regulations applicable to the case.

The author of the submission or sender will be the recipient of all communications related to the proposal issued by the editors of MPL through the OJS platform provided by the Journal. This person will be responsible, in the case that there are several authors, for contacting their collaborators and providing the necessary information about them through the platform, being responsible for possible conflicts about the authorship of the manuscript. If you wish to change the recipient author of the communications, you must explicitly request it.


Declaration of Authorship and Originality

All authors must declare their agreement with each and every one of the points contained in this Declaration of Authorship and Originality.

To this end, each author certifies, with respect to the manuscript he/she submits to Más Poder Local:

  • That all authors have directly contributed to the intellectual content of the work, for which they are responsible for all purposes.
  • That all authors approve the contents of the manuscript submitted to the editorial process of Más Poder Local, and therefore agree that their names appear as authors. To this effect, the authors must include in the final version of the article an explicit mention of the criteria chosen to decide the order of signature, as well as the specific contribution of each one of them. For this purpose, it is suggested to use the roles listed in CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) https://credit.niso.org/.
  • That the content of the article has not been published and that it does not appear in any other work that is about to be published.
  • That they undertake not to submit it for consideration of another publication while it is in the process of being reviewed by Más Poder Local, nor later in case it is accepted for publication.
  • That they have not had, nor do they have, personal or financial relationships that could introduce prejudices and biases in the development or results of this work.
  • That all those persons and institutions that, having given their permission for such mention, have contributed substantially to the development of the work, have been mentioned in the acknowledgements section.
  • That he/she agrees to provide, when required by the journal, access to all the data and sources on which the work presented is based.
  • That they will actively participate in the realization of all those stylistic or orthographic-typographic modifications that are necessary for the publication of the work when so notified by the editorial team of the journal.
  • That they have not violated, nor will violate, the laws and human or animal rights during the process of research and publication of this work.
  • That none of the institutions in which they carry out their scientific and research work has presented objections with respect to the publication of the manuscript submitted for evaluation.
  • That all data and references to materials already published are duly identified with their respective credit and included in the bibliographic notes and in the citations that are highlighted as such and, in the cases that require it, have the due authorizations of those who own the patrimonial rights.
  • That the materials are free of copyright and is responsible for any litigation or claim related to intellectual property rights, exonerating Más Poder Local from liability.
  • That in case the work is approved for publication, it authorizes the publisher to include said text in Más Poder Local and to reproduce, edit, distribute, exhibit and communicate it in the country and abroad by means of printed, electronic, CD, Internet or any other means known or to be known.
  • That when appropriate, the authors will declare the support or public or private financing of the research.

  • That when applicable, the authors will provide information about the complementary files, with a description of their content, format and extension (complementary materials and data files).

Policy of sections and types of originals

Articles. Length for articles between 6,000 and 7,000 words, words of text, including title, abstracts, descriptors, tables and references. All articles will contain at least 20 bibliographical references of recognized solvency in the field of research.


Research notes, consulting notes and electoral periscope. Brief information on singular findings or new contributions resulting from ongoing research projects or studies. Contributions related to political consulting and professional experiences duly systematized will also be accepted. Contributions aimed at examining electoral processes through case studies will also be accepted. Its length will be between 3,500 and 4,000 words, including title, abstracts, descriptors, tables and references. This type of contributions will contain at least 7 bibliographical references of recognized solvency in the field of research.

From issue 55 (January 2024), these contributions will be submitted to external reviewers.

Marcado Open shipments Marcado Indexed Marcado Peer review

. Short essays that critically analyze and contextualize an editorial novelty of academic interest for the topics of the journal. The maximum length is 2000 words. They should include the cited bibliographical references. The reviews will be subject to review by the editorial direction of Más Poder Local in order to evaluate the relevance, timeliness and impact of the proposed work.

Marcado Open shipments Marcado Indexed  Peer review

Monographic sections.

Exceptionally, there may also be monographic sections with a maximum of five contributions per issue. Revista Más Poder (MPL) may publish in its quarterly issues monographic sections on a topic of special interest for Political Science, approached from one or several sub-disciplines.

The publication of a monographic section may be requested by one or several researchers or by formal invitation of the Editorial Board of the journal MPL. The number of articles to be published in the monographic section shall not exceed five, so that there is room for other articles in the issue of the Journal.

Proposals for monographic sections should be sent to the editors or to colaboradores@maspoderlocal.es and be approved by the Editorial Board. They should include, in a document of a maximum of 3,000 words, the following aspects:

  • Topic of the monographic section.
  • Justification of the interest of the proposal.
  • Name, surname, institutional affiliation and brief cv of the persons promoting the monographic section and of those responsible for the authorship of the articles that comprise it.
  • Titles and abstracts of the possible articles of the monographic section, which should follow the instructions for authors of the MPL journal and a forecast of the deadline for submission of articles.


Once the monographic section has been accepted, each of the proposed articles must be uploaded to the OJS application available at https://www.maspoderlocal.com/. They will be subjected to peer review process as any other article submitted to the MPL journal. Articles that receive a positive evaluation will be published in the monographic section if there are four or more; and if there are fewer, in the regular section of the MPL journal.

The person(s) promoting the monographic section will assume the role of monographic section coordinator(s) and will collaborate in the evaluation and editing process. The coordinator(s) of the monographic section may attend the meeting of the MPL Editorial Board at which the articles submitted for the monographic section are considered.


All the originals must be made with the following indications:

Single spacing. Times New Roman 12. If illustrations, tables or figures are included, they should be placed in the text and referred to in the previous paragraph.

Notes should be introduced at the foot of the page in Times New Roman 10, single spacing.

In the bibliography, articles should include, if available, the DOI.

Citation: APA seventh edition. All quotations longer than 40 words should be separated from the body of the text, in a separate paragraph, indented to the left, without quotation marks or italics and with reference to the author at the end of the quotation in parentheses.

Bibliographical references will be at the end of the text in alphabetical order of authors and according to the following forms established in the examples:

* Book references:
Lippmann, W. (2003): La opinión pública. Madrid: Langre.

* References to book chapters:

Jenkins, R. (2003): "Rethinking Ethnicity: Identity, Categorization and Power". In J. Stone: Race and ethnicity: comparative and theoretical approaches. Malden, pp. 59-71.Massachusetts: Blackwell.

* References to journal articles:
Waller, R. (1980): "The 1979 Local and General Elections in England and Wales: Is There a Local/ National Differential?". Political Studies, 28(3): 443-450. doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9248.1980.tb 00480.x.

* Internet references:
Green, M.; Krosnick, J. A. and Holbrook, A. L. (2001): The Survey Response Process in Telephone and Face-to-Face Surveys: Differences in Respondent Satisfaction and Social Desirability Response Bias (online). http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/kenwald/pos6757/spring02/tch62.pdf, last accessed December 17, 2020.

Keywords or descriptors. A maximum of 8 descriptors or keywords, in English and Spanish. It is recommended to select them from thesauri, especially the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBBS) Thesaurus.

Tables and graphs

All tables and graphs should be numbered with correlative Arabic numerals. They should have a concise title that reflects their content, and the source should be cited in the caption, even if they are self-made. They should be sent embedded in the corresponding place in the text. In turn, they should be submitted separately in another document.

Images should be sent embedded in the text and also separately, in jpg format.



Authors should declare, if applicable, whether there is public or private support or financing for the research.


Peer review process

In order to achieve the highest possible level of quality in the works published in Más Poder Local, all research articles are submitted to academic peer review, considering both the novelty of the results and the methodological and technical rigor in the research designs and analysis. The Editorial and Scientific Board of Más Poder Local is not responsible, in any case, for the veracity and authenticity of the works. Likewise, the opinions and facts expressed in each article are the sole responsibility of the authors.

The research articles received through the OJS application will go through the following process:

  1. Acknowledgement of receipt notification.
  2. Initial review of thematic suitability. At least two members of the Editorial Board will check that the work complies with the editorial standards of an academic text, according to its structure and adaptation to the thematic scope of the journal. They will also check that the work has not been published before, by means of an anti-plagiarism control. If there is a positive evaluation, the paper will pass to the next phase, and if not, the authors will be notified.
  3. Review of formal aspects and styles, including the declaration of originality, with notification and return to the author if errors are detected.
  4. Verification of the anonymization of the article.
  5. Review by two external reviewers, according to scientific quality criteria. If necessary, the team of Más Poder Local requests the contribution of a third evaluator. The evaluation form includes:
    1. Currentness of the work.
    2. Scientific interest.
    3. Approach to the content of the work.
    4. Exposition of the topic and language.
    5. Methodology of the work.
    6. Bibliography used.
    7. Suggestions for the improvement of the original and final evaluation.
  6. Sending to the author of the review report with the corresponding decision (publishable, publishable with minor modifications, publishable with substantial modifications, not publishable) in a reasoned manner within a maximum period of 2-4 months from receipt of the article.

The evaluation process usually takes about 2-4 months. As this is a quarterly journal, once an article is accepted, final publication can usually take up to 3-4 more months.


Resolution criteria for peer reviews in cases of non-coincidence:

  • If both opinions are "Not publishable", the decision is "NOT PUBLISHABLE".
  • If one of the opinions is "Not publishable" and the other is "Needs major modifications", the decision is "NOT PUBLISHABLE".
  • If one of the opinions is "Not publishable" and the other is "Needs slight modifications", the decision is "REQUEST THIRD EVALUATOR".
  • If one of the opinions is "Not publishable" and the other is "Publishable", the decision is "REQUEST THIRD EVALUATOR".
  • If both opinions are "Needs major modifications", the decision is "NOT PUBLISHABLE".
  • If one of the opinions is "Needs major modifications" and the other is "Needs slight modifications", the decision is "REQUEST THIRD EVALUATOR".
  • If one of the opinions is "Needs major modifications" and the other is "Publishable", the decision is "REQUEST THIRD EVALUATOR".
  • If both opinions are "Needs slight modifications", the decision is "MAKE THE REQUESTED MODIFICATIONS".
  • If one of the opinions is "Needs slight modifications" and the other is "Publishable", the decision is "MAKE THE REQUESTED MODIFICATIONS".
  • If both opinions are "Publishable", the decision is "PUBLISHABLE".

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes stated in this magazine and will not be provided to third parties or used for any other purpose. To them, Más Poder Local facilitates the exercise of their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, in the terms described in the Personal Data Protection Law, by contacting the headquarters of the Latin American Association of Researchers in Campaigns Electoral, located at Avda. Ronda de Levante, 10. 30008, Murcia (Spain).