No. 48 (2022): Communication and leadership of political women in local and regional spheres
Periscopio electoral

#PortugueseElections22: from the «pink map» to the rise of right-wing populism

Hélder Prior
Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa


  • Mapa rosa,
  • populismo de ultraderecha,
  • mayoría absoluta
  • Pink map,
  • right-wing populism,
  • absolute majority

How to Cite

Prior, H. . (2022). #PortugueseElections22: from the «pink map» to the rise of right-wing populism. Más Poder Local, (48), 183-189.


This article analyses the main results of the January 2022 elections in Portugal. The absolute majority won by the Socialist Party, the defeat of parties to the left of the Socialists, the fragmentation of the political right, and the growth of the far-right as the third force, are a propitious occasion to reflect on the political changes in Portugal.


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