No. 49 (2022): The speeches of the extremes

The «gender ideology» frame in Vox’s discourse

Laura Arranz Sánchez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid


  • Vox,
  • ideología de género,
  • discurso político,
  • antifeminismo,
  • derecha radical
  • Vox,
  • gender ideology,
  • political discourse,
  • antifeminism,
  • radical right

How to Cite

Arranz Sánchez, L. (2022). The «gender ideology» frame in Vox’s discourse. Más Poder Local, (49), 10-25.


The idea that a «gender ideology» that has infiltrated into the roots of the system and must be resisted is taking hold across a wide part of the population. In Spain, Vox has been responsible for developing this discursive frame, that is at the same time being reproduced across other European countries by the radical right. The fight against gender ideology has become emblematic of the anti-feminist strategy of the party. A strategy that, as argued in the article, vox is implementing via a three-pronged approach: destructive, constructive and opportunist. In this way, this article seeks to inquire in how Vox has articulated the discursive frame and answer questions as to: where the idea of «gender ideology» come from? What use is Vox making of it and where does it fit into its discourse around gender?


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