No. 49 (2022): The speeches of the extremes

Trump and the Alt-Right: The discourse of the white "identity politics"

Jaime Caro Morente
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


  • Alt-Right,
  • Trump,
  • Movimientos reaccionarios,
  • Extrema derecha
  • Alt-Right,
  • Trump,
  • identity politics,
  • refold of progress,
  • whiteness

How to Cite

Caro Morente, J. (2022). Trump and the Alt-Right: The discourse of the white "identity politics". Más Poder Local, (49), 43-59. Retrieved from


This article aims to analyze the Alt-Right, and its discourse, as a reaction to the new feminist and anti-racist movements. Also, this speech it is related to Trump since he was the figure who popularized and personified it. Ultimately, the Theory of the Refold of Progress is presented, which would serve to explain the reactionary waves of the 60s and 70s and their culmination in the 2010s with the creation of the Alt-Right and the partial deconstruction of whiteness.


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