No. 43 (2021): New ways of communicating

The race to the White House. : A study about the functioning of rotation in the Unite State´s political system.

Daniel Casal
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Beatriz Viladrich Sandín
Universidad Complutense de Madrid


  • Presidencialismo,
  • Presidente de los Estados Unidos,
  • Elecciones presidenciales,
  • Colegio electoral
  • Presidentialism,
  • President of the United States,
  • Presidential elections,
  • Electoral college

How to Cite

Casal, D., & Viladrich Sandín , B. . (2021). The race to the White House. : A study about the functioning of rotation in the Unite State´s political system. Más Poder Local, (43), 48-75. Retrieved from


The paper studies the processes of political alternation in the Presidency of the United States from 1912 to 2020 to determine if there are common patterns of political change related to the political profile of Presidents-Elect. To do this, the paper raises four analysis variables and combines the results, managing to explain how political alternation works in the United States.


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