No. 45 (2021): The political gap and causes of its growth: the case of Spain

Polarization of citizenship facing positional issues in Spanish politics

Juan José García Escribano
University of Murcia
María Belén García-Palma
University of Murcia
Salvador Manzanera-Román
University of Murcia


  • polarización,
  • polarización ideológica,
  • polarización afectiva,
  • temas posicionales,
  • aborto,
  • inmigración,
  • violencia de género,
  • símbolos nacionales
  • polarization,
  • ideological polarization,
  • affective polarization,
  • positional issues,
  • abortion,
  • immigration,
  • gender violence,
  • national symbols

How to Cite

García Escribano, J. J. ., García-Palma, M. B., & Manzanera-Román, S. (2021). Polarization of citizenship facing positional issues in Spanish politics. Más Poder Local, (45), 57-73. Retrieved from


Polarization in Western liberal democracies appears to have increased in recent years. The analysis of the position of citizenship facing issues in Spanish politics such as abortion, immigration, gender violence and identification with national symbols, indicates two main results. On one hand, the existence of a more moderate self-perception or “self-polarization” among the citizenship than between the parties themselves, including the preferred one. However, the “mercantilist” dynamics of politics and other components of today’s society mark positions and reference points from which to position citizen. This contributes to increase greatly polarization.
On the other hand, it has verified that the use of clearly identified positions in the considered issues is evolving towards affective polarization and the respective feelings of sympathy or rejection towards the different political parties.


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