No. 55 (2024): La comunicación política frente a las crisis económicas
Secciones monográficas

From COVID-19 to Ukraine: the European Union’s communication in periods of economic crisis

Rocío Vales Calderón
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
David García-García
IBEI - Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals. Universitat de Barcelona.


  • Unión Europea,
  • comunicación política,
  • análisis psicolingüístico,
  • crisis económica,
  • LIWC
  • European Union,
  • political communication,
  • economic crisis,
  • LIWC,
  • linguistic analysis

How to Cite

Vales Calderón, R., & García-García, D. (2024). From COVID-19 to Ukraine: the European Union’s communication in periods of economic crisis. Más Poder Local, (55), 10-28.


origins, in the last four years it has had to resist the challenge of two crises that, even though they have not had an economic origin, have resulted in two economic crises that have had repercussions on the different Member States. In this regard, the objective of this research would be to analyze the impact that economic crisis situations can have on the communication of the European Union, basing this analysis on the State of the EU Speeches delivered annually in front of the European Parliament by the President of the European Commission. To that end, use will be made of the latest version of the linguistic analysis program Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC), increasingly used in the field of political communication analysis and whose use would contribute to opening new lines of research.


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