No. 46 (2021): Crisis communication

When the crisis is global: communicate in a constant comparison

Xavier Peytibi


  • comunicación de crisis,
  • psicología política,
  • comunicación política,
  • comunicación de gobierno
  • crisis communication,
  • government communication,
  • political psychology,
  • political communication

How to Cite

Peytibi, X. (2021). When the crisis is global: communicate in a constant comparison. Más Poder Local, (46), 6-13. Retrieved from


At a time of global crisis like the current one, it is important to communicate from the government. It’s basic. However, it is not enough to communicate their achievements and what they do well, generating certainties, but, in a global and connected world, and in which we are guided by what surrounds us, we constantly compare ourselves. This comparison is the one that generates the highest perceptions regarding the government. Therefore, we must also think about what information citizens receive, and not only what is issued from the government itself. Everything communicates.


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