No. 53 (2023): Comunicación digital en campañas electorales

Discourses on the COVID-19 pandemic on Twitter

Patricia Andrade del Cid
Universidad Veracruzana


  • Twitter,
  • análisis de contenido,
  • representaciones sociales,
  • cultura,
  • pandemia
  • Twitter,
  • content analysis,
  • culture,
  • pandemic,
  • social representations

How to Cite

Andrade del Cid, P. (2023). Discourses on the COVID-19 pandemic on Twitter. Más Poder Local, (53), 72-87.


This work shows the methodological strategy for the observation and analysis of behavior on Twitter in the first months, April and May 2020, of the COVID-19 pandemic in the state of Veracruz, Mexico. The Content Analysis instruments allowed the classification of themes, issuers and their discursive characteristics.
In the Discussion it’s argued that the pandemic reproduced the information schemes that reproduce the social representations of the dominant culture. It’s revealed that the analyzed discourse reproduces the social practices of traditional journalism, and it is concluded with the verification that the epistemes that make up culture, ideology and the collective imagination, are above scientific knowledge or the prevention of a pandemic.


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