Affective polarization on political elites
- líderes,
- polarización afectiva,
- ideología,
- voto
- leaders,
- affective polarization,
- ideology,
- vote
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Copyright (c) 2021 Angel José Olaz Capitán, Pilar Ortiz -García
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
This article analyzes the feelings of adhesion or rejection of the population towards the main leaders in the national political scene. It is a question of identifying whether there is an affective polarization around these politicians based on factors related to these feelings, such as the ideological factor and the vote. The basis of the analysis was the CEMOP survey conducted at the national level on a sample of 1,236 interviews. The results indicate that the ideological location and party sympathy are moderating factors of the affective polarization -positive and negative- towards the leaders.
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