No. 53 (2023): Comunicación digital en campañas electorales

The evolution of digital engagement of Spanish parties in the election campaign (2015-2019)

Carlos A. Ballesteros-Herencia
Universidad de Valladolid


  • engagement digital,
  • compromiso,
  • redes sociales,
  • campañas electorales
  • electoral campaigns,
  • social networks,
  • commitment,
  • digital engagement

How to Cite

Ballesteros-Herencia, C. A. (2023). The evolution of digital engagement of Spanish parties in the election campaign (2015-2019). Más Poder Local, (53), 30-51.


The interactions of users of social networks have been considered as a manifestation of the cognitive process that involves engagement or commitment. In the context of electoral campaigns, political parties have been interested in getting users committed to their digital platforms, as a means to increase the dissemination of political messages. In this research, the evolution of user interactions with the Facebook pages of the main Spanish political parties in the campaigns of the general elections of 2015, 2016 and April and November 2019 was analyzed. An intensity of digital engagement with The new parties paralleled the evolution of their electoral success, except in the case of Vox, whose followers maintained an intense involvement even when they still did not have parliamentary representation. On the other hand, the traditional parties, PP and PSOE, received a stable involvement of their users throughout the four campaigns analyzed.


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