Artificial Intelligence and big data: new paradigms of Political Communication and Digital Governance
- comunicación política,
- big data,
- inteligencia artificial,
- gobernanza digital
- political comunication,
- big data,
- artificial intelligence,
- digital governance
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Public space and contemporary democracies have been influenced by recent technological developments derived from social networks, virtuality and the digital age. Specifically, the progress obtained in the use of artificial intelligence and the importance of big data represent fundamental variables that affect social life and that enrich the field of study of political communication and political science, to the extent that they deal with of theoretical and practical aspects of politics, political systems, the behaviors of society and the relationships that develop in it (Viñas et al. 2023: 45). In this context, we start from the hypothesis that Political communication in its dimensions of electoral communication and government communication has been strongly influenced by the development of these two variables that characterize the digital era: AI and big data. Based on a theoretical and documentary analysis of the production of various specialists in the proposed thematic axes, the objective of the study is to identify the impact of these two variables in three aspects, namely: the forms of government communication, in government campaigns and in public management and digital governance. The bibliographic selection is fundamentally due to the timeliness of the references in each topic and the recognized prestige of the authors selected in each subject. The limitations of the document are due to the incipient nature of practical studies on these variables in Latin American contexts and the weakness of a national digital policy in most of these countries. It can be inferred that access to the new era of knowledge and virtuality implies establishing AI research and teaching centers in our region, as well as the consolidation of public records and databases for decision-making and weighing the risks. ethics that all these transformations bring with them to modern societies. As a research agenda, the impact of AI in the immediate future still raises more questions than answers and even more so in fields such as communication and politics that have information and its interactions in public spaces as a fundamental input.
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