No. 51 (2023): Local political communication: the territory and digitization
Consultancy Notes

Electoral Integrity and Political Marketing Malpractices in Electoral Processes of Local Governments in Mexico: case analysis of the Mayoral Election of Puebla, Mexico, in 2013

Mario Ricciardi
Araceli Espinosa Márquez
Carla Irene Ríos Calleja


  • Integridad Electoral,
  • Observación electoral,
  • Marketing político,
  • Grupos de Interés,
  • malas prácticas electorales
  • Electoral Integrity,
  • Electoral Observation,
  • Political Marketing,
  • electoral malpractices,
  • interest groups

How to Cite

Ricciardi, M., Espinosa Márquez, A., & Ríos Calleja, C. I. (2023). Electoral Integrity and Political Marketing Malpractices in Electoral Processes of Local Governments in Mexico: case analysis of the Mayoral Election of Puebla, Mexico, in 2013. Más Poder Local, (51), 81-96.


The objective of this article is to understand and identify which normative aspects favor or inhibit quality electoral processes from the perspective of electoral integrity. Based on a case study, a theoretical perspective is developed to qualitatively study the municipal election of Puebla in 2013, in relation to political marketing practices and the actions of interest groups in the campaigns. The analysis of the case and the problem, as well as the review of the way in which the quality of elections is evaluated in electoral observation indexes, raises the need to deepen on interdisciplinary theoretical and methodological proposals, such as those of political marketing. Thus, this work proposes lines of research to deepen the observation, with theoretical elements of political marketing and from a micro and macro dimension of the politics of interest groups and their political marketing practices, from the perspective of electoral integrity.


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