Territorial marketing to strengthen government communication
- Desarrollo Local,
- Marketing Territorial,
- Marca Ciudad,
- Comunicación Política,
- Propaganda
- Local Development,
- Territorial Marketing,
- City Branding,
- Political Communication,
- Propaganda
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The article addresses from a theoretical perspective the use of marketing techniques in the field of territories, due to the fact that they interact in an unpredictable and changing global market, and where competition from other places or rival organizations is increasing. And it is in this scenario, where the use of the territory brand acquires increasing importance as it is an instrument that facilitates the loyalty of people with their environment, creating in them a feeling of attraction and belonging. The interaction between all the agents involved in that territory is a key factor in the success of that territory brand, which is measured through the degree of loyalty achieved by it and where intergovernmental communication acts as a transmitting agent about the value of that territorial brand.
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