No. 55 (2024): La comunicación política frente a las crisis económicas
Periscopio electoral

Milei, Why? Facts and Interpretations of an Electoral Outburst

Ignacio Ramírez
Gabriel Vommaro


  • polarización,
  • Milei,
  • Argentina,
  • nuevas derechas,
  • América Latina,
  • elecciones
  • polarization,
  • Milei,
  • Argentina,
  • new right,
  • Latin America,
  • elections

How to Cite

Ramírez, I., & Vommaro, G. (2024). Milei, Why? Facts and Interpretations of an Electoral Outburst. Más Poder Local, (55), 161-171. Retrieved from


This article analyzes the second round of the 2023 presidential elections in Argentina and puts forward some explanations for the success of the libertarian candidate, Javier Milei, an outsider candidate who completely altered the Argentine political landscape. This phenomenon is part of a general trend, the rise of extreme right-wingers and the viral expansion of their narratives throughout the West and is intimately linked to the economic crisis the country is experiencing. Likewise, Milei reports on a moment of intense polarization and great social unrest.


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