No. 43 (2021): New ways of communicating

The metaphors of new normals according to the Spanish Ministry of Health and UNESCO: The debate about “normal” represents the definition of the status quo

Francisco Collado Campaña
Universidad de Málaga
Davinia Burgos Narváez
Universidad de Almería


  • covid-19,
  • discurso político,
  • Ministerio de Sanidad,
  • nueva normalidad,
  • covid-19,
  • political discourse,
  • Spanish Ministry of Health,
  • new normal,

How to Cite

Collado Campaña, F., & Burgos Narváez, D. (2021). The metaphors of new normals according to the Spanish Ministry of Health and UNESCO: The debate about “normal” represents the definition of the status quo. Más Poder Local, (43), 88-101. Retrieved from


This article presents an exploratory analysis of what has come to be called the “new normality” in different political discourses. To this end, an analysis is made of the interpretive frame and of the nouns and verbs present in the textual corpus of the Plan for the Transition to a New Normal of the Spanish Ministry of Health and the video Next Normal of the institutional campaign United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO) developed in the context of the covid-19 pandemic during the first half of 2020. Thus, it is shown as the definitions of “normality” and “new normality” have served as a discursive strategy to propose states of things that imply a metaphor of the transition in the first case and a metaphor of the rupture in relation to the past in the second case.


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