Journalism Training on Artificial Intelligence in Latin America: Challenges from the Perspective of a Collaborative Program
- América Latina,
- inteligencia artificial,
- algoritmos,
- periodismo,
- capacitación,
- entrenamiento,
- tecnología,
- comunicación corporativa,
- digitalización
- Latin America,
- artificial intelligence,
- algorithms,
- journalism,
- training,
- technology,
- corporate communication,
- digitalization
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What are the main training challenges that journalists face in relation to Artificial Intelligence (AI) in their professional field? And what characteristics should an educational program have to empower journalists to take on these challenges in Latin America? Using document analysis techniques and interviews with key stakeholders, this article explores these two questions by leveraging the experience of a training program as a case study. Under the auspices of a telecommunications company (Tigo), the program brought together an academic institution (Universidad Austral), a communications consultancy (Kreab), and a set of media organizations to train 284 journalists in Bolivia. The analysis results show that the strategic communication of some companies can provide an opportunity to promote this type of training if approached with a collaborative focus, constant experimentation, and a commitment to academic quality.
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