No. 56 (2024): Digitalization, politics and artificial intelligence
Secciones monográficas

Digitization, Politics, and Artificial Intelligence: Systematic Review of Scientific Production

Sara Pérez Seijo
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Ángel Vizoso
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela


  • comunicación política,
  • inteligencia artificial,
  • automatización,
  • bots,
  • democracia,
  • esfera pública,
  • algoritmos,
  • comunicación digital
  • political communication,
  • artificial intelligence,
  • automation,
  • bots,
  • democracy,
  • public sphere,
  • algorithms,
  • digital communication

How to Cite

Pérez Seijo, S., & Vizoso, Ángel. (2024). Digitization, Politics, and Artificial Intelligence: Systematic Review of Scientific Production. Más Poder Local, (56), 64-82.


One of the most recent transformations in the field of digital communication has been driven by the introduction of artificial intelligence and automation. Political communication has incorporated these technologies into some of its processes and tasks, altering the way it engages with audiences, produces content, and disseminates messages. However, the use of these systems also introduces risks and challenges to democracy and the public sphere. The aim of this article is to analyze international scientific research focused on the use of artificial intelligence and automation in the field of political communication. A holistic perspective is advocated to deepen the understanding of the characteristics of scientific production and the peculiarities of this algorithmic political communication. To achieve this purpose, a methodological design based on a systematic literature review is employed, applying both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The results confirm that this is an emerging field characterized by uneven evolution, collaborative work among researchers, English-language production, qualitative methods, and a focus on studying the impact of bots, computational propaganda, and manipulation of public opinion. Additionally, two central thematic axes are identified: the uses and characteristics of AI-mediated political communication, and the threats and challenges arising from the use of these technologies.


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