Analysis of Audiovisual Communication Strategies of the Ecuadorian Presidency on TikTok During the Initial Months of Daniel Noboa’s Government
- comunicación audiovisual,
- comunicación digital,
- comunicación de gobierno,
- Tiktok,
- Ecuador
- Audiovisual communication,
- digital communication,
- government communication,
- Tiktok,
- Ecuador
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Upon the completion of the first three months of Daniel Noboa’s presidency of the Government of Ecuador, this article investigates and analyzes the audiovisual communication conducted during this period by the three leading official accounts of the Government of Ecuador’s communication: the Presidency, the Secretariat of Communication, and the president’s personal account, on the social network with a major emphasis on audiovisual content: TikTok. A quantitative analysis of the reach and impact of the accounts is conducted, along with a qualitative analysis of the published content, the themes addressed, and the communicative style. This is done to understand how public communication has adapted to digital formats and channels, specifically to TikTok, identified as the currently most influential platform for the dissemination of audiovisual content. The analysis highlights the differences among the three official TikTok accounts, showcasing the reach and impact of various content and formats used, and demonstrating a joint strategy for the institutional accounts and a significant divergence with the president’s personal communication.
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