Transparency and Access to Public Information as tools for Crisis Communication
- comunicación de gobierno,
- comunicación de crisis,
- transparencia,
- acceso a la información,
- COVID-19
- crisis communication,
- transparency,
- access to public information,
- government political communication,
- COVID-19
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Copyright (c) 2021 Fernando García Naddaf
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
The impact of the global crisis of Covid19 has far exceeded the areas of health from where it originated. Since its inception, governments have faced problems to ensure the governance and stability of their institutions, not only through health measures. Government communication strategies and actions have also been deployed. The literature is more or less unanimous in the "recipes": the communication actions of governments should be oriented to ensure trust, through the rapid provision of true information and to guarantee access to information and transparency. The article theoretically reviews these recommendations and subjects and analyze them in relation to the concrete actions that governments have taken during the pandemic crisis. In particular, states of emergency (or states of alarm, or health emergency), the use of digital tools and the role of presidents or heads of government in their role as spokespersons. The article concludes that these actions are not enough to guarantee the transparency and trust of governments towards their citizens. It suggests that these are necessary measures , but they must be communicated taking care of the tones and seeking identification - closeness - with the citizens.
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