No. 56 (2024): Digitalization, politics and artificial intelligence
Secciones monográficas

Artificial intelligence in political information verification. Tools and typology

Marián Alonso-González
University of Seville
Hada Sánchez Gonzales
University of Seville


  • Inteligencia artificial,
  • desinformación,
  • información política,
  • algoritmos,
  • periodismo
  • Artificial intelligence,
  • disinformation,
  • political information,
  • algorithms,
  • journalism

How to Cite

Alonso-González, M. ., & Sánchez Gonzales, H. (2024). Artificial intelligence in political information verification. Tools and typology. Más Poder Local, (56), 27-45.


Fake news has become the main scourge of modern journalism to the point of not being able to distinguish the veracity of information. The latest Eurobarometer (2023) states that disinformation is a problem for 83% of Spaniards, a figure in line with that of our European neighbors, where only Finland falls below fifty percent. This concern has turned into disinterest and distrust in the news, which has a significant impact on journalistic consumption in a context in which the readership of traditional media is increasingly falling and in which hoaxes are part of the digital landscape in Spain. Artificial Intelligence rescues the old adage of the sword of Damocles that postulates that with great power comes great responsibility and, in the face of its capacity to debase ethics (Chomsky, 2023), makes it an important tool to help detect and combat disinformation in politics. Throughout this article we analyze how advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques make it possible to assess the credibility of sources and predict disinformation. Likewise, we present and analyze the AI tools used by Spanish verifiers to corroborate political information and ensure a communicative flow that empowers citizens and allows to increase trust in institutions and electoral processes.


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