No. 43 (2021): New ways of communicating

Emotions as a community strategy in the 2019 european elections: VOX

Giselle García Hípola
Universidad de Granada
Español Español
Universidad de Burgos


  • VOX,
  • emociones,
  • Elecciones europeas,
  • materiales de campaña,
  • estrategia de comunicación
  • VOX,
  • Emotions,
  • european elections,
  • communication strategy,
  • campaign materials

How to Cite

García Hípola, G., & Pérez Castaños, S. (2021). Emotions as a community strategy in the 2019 european elections: VOX. Más Poder Local, (43), 20-27. Retrieved from


By using data collected form the Project Platform Europe, this article aims at analyzing how VOX has used emotions as an electoral strategy in the past 2019 European Elections. Thus, the use of emotions, rational elements, degree of personalization and the usage of humor and negative content in the selected materials will be analyzed, as a way to check the strategy developed by this right-wing populist radical political formation.


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