Creative public brands for cities that innovate for the common good.
Toni Puig, pp. 6-7

Archaeological heritage in Murcia: A missed opportunity for a new City Brand.
Cristina Moreno, pp. 8-11

The renewal of Bogotá's city brand.
Herman Amaya, pp. 12-15

Lima as a global city: Beyond the gastronomy boom.
Jaime Salinas López-Torres, pp. 16-18

Evo, the bride, the son, and the referendum.
Ricardo Vladimir Paz Ballivián, pp. 20-21

Runoff election in Peru: A serious social agenda or populism.
Elsa Bardález del Águila, pp. 22-25

Peru: 2016 parliamentary elections. The orange parliament.
Fernando Tuesta Soldevilla, pp. 26-31

The visual contract: Chromatic hegemony and branding as a city's identity symbol.
Juan A. Lorca Sánchez, pp. 28-31

City Brand.
Alain Jordà, pp. 32-33

Cities begin to embrace branding.
Andy Stalman, pp. 34-37

Interview with Marina Raffaelli.
Más Poder Local, pp. 38-41

Is city branding a promotional tool? Beyond Digital Cities. Theoretical debate and reflections.
Silvia Liñares Louzao, pp. 42-47

Online dialogical interactions: Debates on bills on a civic engagement website.
Carmen Pineda Nebot; Sylvia Iasulaitis, pp. 48-59